KAPSID – Neko's Blog

Form Follows Function

I HEART MVC Design Pattern

There’s definitely a difference between reading and comprehending certain things and inheriting the core principles for successful execution. The MVC pattern again proved that to me and still keeps me on my toes. One question I continuously ask myself while coding is what kind of data is best kept inside the model and what kind can confidently be put into views. It seems quite clear whilst studying reference books, but the line becomes a bit blurry when writing your own application. It will for sure take some more time to completely take this way of coding on board, but already I can say that I love the clear seperation of functions with the MVC pattern. It keeps your code well structured allowing the realization of big projects.  My switchboard becomes really clean and stable now and will probably take this week to finalize. Yeha! That one button did not respond very well for TBeta hasn’t been properly configured by me. Notice the blob indicators, that are slightly off aligned to my finger tips.

Filed under: Navigation, Software

Custom Menu Rotation

Filed under: Navigation, Software

MainSwitchBoard – pretty buggy ;)

Here’s my current MainSwitchboard for the Dendron 2009 project. Jumps around like a grasshopper. Need to set proper state behavior and gotta get my MVC pattern running to keep things organized. Need to crank up the frame rate too, which is 6fps at the moment 😦 Delay, is still caused by code but is not the only reason. Projector is responsible too. Very buggy, but still gives a sneak peak of how things will look like. I’m excited.

Filed under: Navigation, Software

Script Problem Solved

Picture 11

Picture 12

Don’t really know how I have been able to ignore such a major scripting flaw inside my customized TUIO action classes for so long, especially because I was wondering  why I was loosing my blobs when moving. My indicators x/y positions on stage haven’t been updated according to my framerate. I, for some reason I let my indicators depend on values stored inside an array rather than linking their position directly to the tracked TUIO objects “tuioobj”. I STILL CAN’T BELIEVE IT. Anyways, problem has been solved now and I will need another day to clean up my code and make it run efficiently.

Stay tuned.

Filed under: Navigation, Software