KAPSID – Neko's Blog

Form Follows Function

Jer Thorp: Data and oil

Filed under: Uncategorized

Almost Two years later…

Almost two years after my last post in February 2011, I have decided to revive this blog.

Since New York I have been keeping myself busy working in the industry, pumping out one web project after the other.

While gaining invaluable professional work experience in multiple commercial projects of different types and scopes, I still neglect my experimental, interactive work.

By constantly keeping at least one eye on the NUIgroup community, I noticed a well paced development in just three years, when it comes to building DIY mt devices.

Despite familiar techniques like FTIR, DSI, DI, LLP etc. still being around and popular, building set ups utilizing photo transistor matrices becomes seemingly more trendy.

That very approach caught my attention, since it tackles one of the main annoyances I experienced, dealing with an optical mt setup including a projector. Even eliminating

the need for a projector by swapping it for a LCD matrix, still requires a minimum distance between camera and the backside of the display-surface.

By using photo transistors instead of camera and projector or LCD matrix, a DIY mt setup could possibly shrink to an estimated height of something about 2Inch.

Now that’s pretty cool.

However, digging just a little deeper I quickly realized, that there’s quite a bit of electronics and C language brushing-up work to do.

But that’s ok,  since me aiming for a more transparent publishing of learning curves, I should be able to post more frequently at the same time 🙂

My next post shall contain a sketch of my proof of concept.

mfg gabor

Filed under: Arduino Wiring, Thoughts, Visual Diary

Show Reel 2011


my new show reel is up on Vimeo.






Check it out.



Filed under: Portfolio

O’Reilly’s Wireless Sensor Networks arrived


I have already forgotten that I have pre-ordered this book with Amazon. When I came back from New York it was sitting there on my table – waiting for me. I love the smell pages of freshly printed text books have. Started on the first two chapters yesterday and it seems to be a good text book for beginners.

Let’s go shopping at LittleBird Electronics and build some radios.



Filed under: Uncategorized

NYC Rooftop – Climb No. 3

As a source of inspiration, New York city comes in quite handy. The pages of my visual diary start filling with doodles and interesting ideas again. Here are couple of pictures from a NYC rooftop I have climbed on East 14th street – close to Stefan Sagmeister’s studio. The view was breathtaking.

Watch climb #1

Watch climb #2

Cheers Gabor

Filed under: Uncategorized

LocalToGlobal demystified

Hi there,

it’s been pretty quiet about this blog for some time, for my new work place keeps me fairly busy. Not that this would be a bad thing. After wrapping my mind about concepts of code abstraction, collecting battle scars ( Hi Snepo ) , I now learn a great deal about everyday Flash and AS3.0 techniques, which I was happy to ignore for most of the time. One of those very straight forward things (LocalToGlobal and GlobalToLocal) really caused me headaches once and since I have never touched it again. This blog post has proven very helpful to me and obviously to many others. Here’s the link: http://www.orlandmedia.com/blog/actionscript-3/localtoglobal-in-as3-not-working/



Filed under: Uncategorized

Sydney – UNSW Connected 2010


Filed under: Software

ContactListener works


have managed to get the contact listener working, which i have gotten through ascrobin’s forum post at the openframeworks.cc forum.

Will just have to fix a memory leak that I have created (fps upper left corner) and can then start fine tuning animations.



Filed under: Software

ContourFinder update


after having a break for a week I desperately needed to figure out what caused my little OpenFrameworks project to run slowly. I knew that it had to be the way I was generating those words falling into the screen. I was (greenhorn) loading ofTrueTypeFont repetitively inside my draw() method, which of course strained the performance heavily as soon as there were more than three words on the stage. Since I’m very new to C++ and I am still not used to the whole pointer reference thing it took me some time to figure out how to load a font once and then refer to that instance rather than loading that font in repetitively at 60fps. But now things look way different. The video shows the improvement, which runs between 20fps-40fps while having my screen recorder software running. As soon as i close that program the performance goes back up to 40-60fps. Thanks go out to Josttie at Openframeworks.cc

Filed under: Software

ofxOpenCV ContourFinder & ofxBox2D

Hi there. Very little I know about C++ and OpenFrameworks. But I have decided to still go for it. At least now I got started. The learning curve is pretty flat for me and it will probably take a bit of time to become confident in writing C++ code. It’s a different game to AS3.0. Flash developers are spoiled. So anyways…I have tried to pull that thing off all on my own using a few forum hints C++ OF, ofxOpenCV and Box2D physics engine but ran into some issues with defining the contour that is being drawn as a physics body. Thankfully, I tripped over this forum thread in which 2 approaches have been shown by “Smallfly” & “Johnavila2”. Finally “Vanderlin” came up with a solution using the wrapper lib ofxBox2D and posted his code to download. It utilizes another class that simplifies the contour found by ofxOpenCV and turns it into a Box2D edge. So thanks go out to you guys. Obviously it needs quite some tweaking.

But it works. 😉



Filed under: Software