KAPSID – Neko's Blog

Form Follows Function

Fiducal Tracking Works w/o IR Bandpass Filter

Hmmm…my fiducials are now getting tracked, when i remove the IR bandpass filter. Replaced my my webcams lens with the 4mm wide angle.

Need to fiddle ’round a bit more, i guess.


w/o bandpass filter


with IR bandpass filter

Filed under: Fiducials

Fiducial Recognition almost there


7.30am and no coffee yet. No fiducial recognition either…but almost there. I’ve played around with the contrast, brightness and sharpness adjustments in the camera settings dialog and at least achieved reacTABle to noticing blobs inside the fiducal markers. Means it can seperate darker parts from white spots. I’m quite sure now, that it is only about my lens/sensor issue. Tried my 4mm wide angle lens as well (not on the table though) and get super sharp images, when hovering sightly above the plastic case surrounding the sensor. So same problem, I’ll have to make up for the missing distance between both parts. But first i’ll get a coffee… 😛 Post my results later this day.


Filed under: Fiducials

Fiducial Tracking with reacTIVision


My first look into reacTIVision’s fiducial tracking application. Tested it on my builtIn cam only, but seems to be straight forward. Can’t wait to get my table setup sorted to run proper tests. I really have to boost the tabe building process. It takes way to long for I need to start coding end of next week.

Can’t wait to have a reliable setup.


Filed under: Fiducials