KAPSID – Neko's Blog

Form Follows Function

LocalToGlobal demystified

Hi there,

it’s been pretty quiet about this blog for some time, for my new work place keeps me fairly busy. Not that this would be a bad thing. After wrapping my mind about concepts of code abstraction, collecting battle scars ( Hi Snepo ) , I now learn a great deal about everyday Flash and AS3.0 techniques, which I was happy to ignore for most of the time. One of those very straight forward things (LocalToGlobal and GlobalToLocal) really caused me headaches once and since I have never touched it again. This blog post has proven very helpful to me and obviously to many others. Here’s the link: http://www.orlandmedia.com/blog/actionscript-3/localtoglobal-in-as3-not-working/



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