KAPSID – Neko's Blog

Form Follows Function

High Rise Climb No. 1

Just today I have spotted a new construction site to tackle, which I intend to make High Rise Climb No. 3 . Very interesting object with a beautiful view. I can’t tell more at this stage for multiple reasons but have already started my preparations. I have also found pictures of my first climb together with OYO and Adam Paquette. I thought it would be cool to post them too, since I decided to implement these kind of adventures into my blog. So here we go:

Filed under: Thoughts

Edge Refined

Filed under: Visual Diary

Box2DFlash – Text à la Cyancdesign.com

Hi there,

in the course of the mentioned art project I was considering to utilize Box2DFlash physics engine ( initially written in C++ ) in order to achieve more realistic ‘onCollosion’ – text effects. Having never played with any physics stuff I’m still in the midst of understanding this fun tool. I have also found a very useful tutorial by Cyancdesign.com who found a pretty straight forward way of attaching AS TextFields to b2DShapes. By hiding the shape that functions as ‘container’ one can achieve the effects I was after. At the moment I have no clue of how to define my edges of the live video feed as  a rigid body,  opposed to the circle being used at the moment. I could imagine that one should be able to write a custom shape class which dynamically accepts a new argument ( Vector.<Point> ). The body is then constantly being redrawn according to the coordinates stored inside the vector. I will sure need to dig myself through a lot of cryptic looking source code over this weekend … yay! Another question also pops up…will i actually be in need of Skinner’s collision detection, once the method just described is working out? Probably not. The only reason to still implement pixel perfect collision detection could be additional effects to garnish up the whole experience. Well we’ll see. I may end up ditching the whole physic engine completely and decide to go for a fake gravity effect or so…

Note: Use the button in the upper left corner to toggle the debugDrawing’s visibility.

Filed under: Visual Diary

Viktor Frankl

yep 🙂


Filed under: Thoughts

Live Feed Collision Detection


so according to my previous two posts I have now uploaded a proto of the live video feed collision detection, which i intend to use for this particular art project i was talking about beforehand. The collision detection is based on GSkinner’s collision detection. Needless to say that this needs a lot of work.

NOTE: Best results are in front of a white wall in a room well lit.

I’ll call it a day 😉



Filed under: Software

Flash, Arduino & Parallax Ping


initially i have planned to realize the art project i was writing in my previous post about, in C++ Open Frameworks. Since I had some trouble though getting the range finder data into OF i have settled for Flash which worked out straight away using a flash’s binary socket and a custom written java proxy server by James Alliban. There are still some performance issues i believe that need to be fixed as well as sudden jumps in range values, which i still need pin point down. Anyways…here’s the result.


Filed under: Arduino Wiring

Arduino & Parallax Ping Range Finder

Hi there,

it has been months since my last blog post and now I intend to pick it up again.

In the course of an interactive art project I finally found a good excuse to get my fingers onto the Arduino Mega I’ve bought last year.

Idea is ( nothing ground breaking and surely nothing that hasn’t been seen before ) to creating an interactive wall projection. Projected elements ( words ) will be reacting according to two sensor inputs. The first is based on a range approximation through the very well known  Ping ( Ultra Sonic ) Range finder from Parallax,  which will be used to scale elements up and down in relation to the distance of the nearest person. The second will be a live camera feed that will be used to detect edges of people moving in front of the projection. Projected elements will be collision tested against those edges in order to interact with elements on a very basic level. So far so good.

Wiring the range finder to the Arduino is straight forward and can be done in no time. Arduino.cc supplies very comprehensive material.

I’ve simply uploaded David A. Mellis’s Arduino sketch onto the controller and could straight away see the results being printed into the serial monitor. Easy as. Make sure your baud rate is set correctly.

Filed under: Arduino Wiring