KAPSID – Neko's Blog

Form Follows Function

High Rise Climb No. 2

I guess it has been time again. For almost 2 years, after climbing a skyscraper at Milsons Point with OYO and Adam, I have been on a constant look out for the next object, that would be worth risking charges for trespassing private property. Not long ago I have found it. The building again is a former high rise office building located at the arguably heart of Sydney. As the building at Milsons Point, this future apartment block stands completely naked just in its skeleton, allowing light to penetrate its corpus. It must have been sunset again making me fall in love with this ugly monster.

Unfortunately I have only been able to climb this building to the 15th level. The only way of reaching the roof top would have been a “little” spiderman action along the outer facade of the building, which I haven’t been equipped for. And free climbs at these heights are pretty scary. Compared to Milsons Point, this building was more difficult. Firstly reaching the scaffolds required more climbing, the building has direct neighbors and there were helicopters patrolling due to the weekend madness taking place every Saturday night in Sydney’s CBD. It was worth the sweat though. The breathtaking view over the city as well as inside the building, where humongous, gaping holes allow glancing all the way down to the ground level, inspired me immensely. Adrenalin rush, concrete traversed by massive metal rods, missing balustrades at the sides of the building, light rain and a fresh breeze as well as the the scarcely illuminated architecture (only flashing aircraft warning- and city lights) made this building an unforgettable experience. I have also left a banner this time, which became lose a bit on the one side making it hang a bit crooked. Though 6 hours after my adventure and in bright daylight (10am) the banner facing Hyde Park is still attached. I wonder for how much longer and if people or weather will finally bring it down. One thing I know – I will not stop climbing buildings and feel the urge of getting equipped better in the future in order to become capable of tackling obstacles that prevented me this time from reaching the roof. Gabor

Filed under: Visual Diary