KAPSID – Neko's Blog

Form Follows Function

TED Talk – Charles & Ray Eames

“The extend to which you have a design style is the extend to which you have failed to solve the design problem.” Charles Eames

TED Talk about Charles & Ray Eames



Filed under: Visual Diary

Emma McNally – Illustrations

Emma McNally’s Flicker Page








Filed under: Visual Diary

AS3.0 Garbage Collection

Garbage Collector-1Incremental Mark and Sweep is the name of ActionScripts unreachable- object removal strategy. All that means is that ActionScript will mark created objects as either reachable or unreachable. If a certain memory threshold has been reached during code execution, objects that are marked unreachable will be swept from memory, thus creating free space for the running application. This procedure is known as garbage collection (GC) and is pretty unpredictable, as in it gets triggered automatically in cycles and developers do not have active influence on triggering or effecting those cycles. Hence, understanding AS3.0’s garbage collection procedure is essential when attempting to write a stable and efficiently running application. Not coding in a clean way can cause potential memory leaks. These leaks, even if of small size, can eventually slow down a program or even make it become unresponsive. Among other measures, starting to clean up objects that are not longer needed and maybe even more importantly, deciding before creating objects and properties of how they will be implemented are important practices that should start with writing the smallest application. There has been written a lot about AS3.0’s garbage collection and I won’t write my own essay, but rather provide a few links that made my life easier understanding the principles of how gc works.

Essential ActionScript 3.0
By Colin Moock

Grant Skinner – Understanding garbage collection in Flash Player 9
Emmy Huang – Performance Improvements in Flash Player 8
Grant Skinner – Interactive GC Simulation
Grant Skinner – Slides
A Power Point file about GC and Memory Leaks



Filed under: Software