KAPSID – Neko's Blog

Form Follows Function

Encapsulation & Loose Coupling

A blog post about good OOP practices.

I’m familiar with the core concepts of encapsulation and loose coupling, which find their application in design patterns like State,Strategy and MVC (Model View Controller). I have also successfully implemented them in some of my projects and appreciate their advantages like enhanced code flexibility through interchangeability and object expansion. Nevertheless do articles like this motivate me to repeatedly read about these two OOP principles. I intend to completely absorb the process of applying them into my everyday projects. I am only one step away. Have a look here.



Filed under: Design Patterns

China – A Field Trip

Please excuse my absence and not posting news on this blog for so long. I’ve been to Beijing and Shanghai for two weeks which was very interesting, for I have never traveled Asia before. I met Robert Annewandter (Physicist) in Beijing and came to discuss an intriguing paper about visualizing social networks, written by http://vis.usal.es/. robertAnnewandterThe paper can be downloaded here: Overlapper.pdf

Let’s see what we can build according to the formula those guys came up with.

Cheers Gabor




Filed under: Visual Analytics

Explanatory Video – DSI SetUp

Hi. Here as promised, my explanatory video. Please excuse my terrible german accent. I gave my best to keep it low.



Filed under: Hardware, Portfolio, Software

Billy Blue’s 2009 Great Value – Exhibition Night

Hi there, after a two days and nights excessive post graduation rehabilitation programm, I am now back to continue blogging. In fact, my graduation and the first public presentation of my multiple touch table at the Great Value Exhibition Night 2009 have been a huge motivation to intensify my studies around writing applications for multiple touch devices. My table as an human centered piece of design. I was facing success in some and failure in other aspects of my application. I can now put these experiences into use by feeding my upcoming design projects with the things I have learned. Here is just a very short clip of that night. I will add a more comprehensible flick this weekend, that will attempt to explain my application in detail.



Filed under: Software

Billy Blue Great Value Graduation Exhibition 2009

My latest AS3.0 project.

This website has been realized utilizing the OOP design pattern MVC (Model View Controller) and features a content filter system. Users browsing the page through the navigation menu trigger the filter system to take effect on the content panel.

Great Value 2009 Website

Picture 2

Filed under: Portfolio