KAPSID – Neko's Blog

Form Follows Function

First Test Run

Hi. Here is my application’s first test run. There’s heaps to improve scriptwise. There’s also still a latency which can only be caused by either my processing speed or the video delay of the projector. Hmmm…and i only have one week left. :s

Filed under: Hardware, Software

3 Responses

  1. popel says:


    Wie geil sieht das aus! FEEEEEEEETTTT!!!

    Mir gefaellt, dass man da die Dinger auseinanderrupfen kann, zoomen, verschieben, drehen… alle Achtung! Respeeeekt Diggarr!

    • gabor says:

      Thanks 😉 Just got home from the graduation exhibition. My application I wrote is a bit more sophisticated opposed to what you have seen here. Will post it in the next couple of days. It went alright, even though I had hardware issues. Couldn’t adjust my projector focus properly so the picture has been kinda blurry the whole time. Bugger! Worked perfectly at home. But I have learned a lot though…hardware and scripting wise. I really wanna learn math, processing and C++ OF. Ambitions, ambitions. I will see you in Beijing soon my friend 😉


  2. popel says:

    That sounds cool! Yeah lets get into math and so on. Even though you haven’t reinvented the wheel, scripting, hardwiring and so on right up to the verge gives you some lovely skills!

    Graduation pics pls my friend! 🙂

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