KAPSID – Neko's Blog

Form Follows Function

Building The Body Part 2

Hi there. The body of my table is almost finished. My jigsaw table has been in heavy duty use today to cut two large wooden sheets to size (side panels) and a lot of aluminium profiles. The funny thing is, that one can hardly tell any difference. 🙂 I’m confident, that I’ll be able to finish my table by tomorrow night. Two things concern me at this stage…picture quality and the table being a bit wobbly due to rather long aluminium beams. Hope the wooden panels will solve that problem. The picture quality, which is still a bit blurry is based on my mirrors. Here’s how I intend to fix this:

1. I will mount them onto a straight and solid surface, to avoid distortion.

2. High polishing them. That’s going to become a difficult thing to do. Their surface is completely exposed and very sensitive.

Tomorrow more.

Cheers Gabor



Filed under: Hardware

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