KAPSID – Neko's Blog

Form Follows Function

Building Tables Body Frame

Ola, only two weeks left until graduate exhibition (28th of July)

This weekend has been all about building the body and i believe it will take another two days to finish the setup to a presentable piece.

I’ve decided to go aluminium profiles for the main frame and it turned out quite good.  Have look:



Obviously all the inside installations have to be sorted out now, which are slightly more difficult to create. Especially the mirrors are giving me head aches for two reasons:

1. I still didn’t manage to make my own first surface mirrors of correct measurements. (Have another glass mirror and still some acrylic off cuts left overs from last time at home, which I will try out today. Also bought a  paint stripper that is less strong than the one before. Will post my results tonight. Hope it works.)

2. Instaling them in a way that their angle can be adjusted easily. (Here I was thinking of utilizing some kind of a radius hinge. I’ll be checking out a speciality fasteners manufacturer tomorrow in Alexandria. Apparently they carry that kind of stuff.)



Filed under: Hardware

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