KAPSID – Neko's Blog

Form Follows Function

First Surface Mirror Results 1

Ola. Trying to get the color coat of the back of these mirrors is pretty difficult. That paint stripper works way to well and applying it for three seconds is probably enough. Anything longer than that will make the paint stripper eat through the reflecting process. On the far right is my best result so far. Got to go on practicing, before spoiling a $50 mirror. :s


mfg Gabor

Filed under: Hardware

One Response

  1. gabor says:

    I broke that mirror :/ The good news though, on one spot i managed cleaning it quite well. I was able to use this area for a small scale projector test. And of course it works beautifully. No ghosting effect anymore, which results in a sharper image. Have to weigh up now…breaking another one would reduce my self made mirror enterprise to absurdity.

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