KAPSID – Neko's Blog

Form Follows Function

I HEART MVC Design Pattern

There’s definitely a difference between reading and comprehending certain things and inheriting the core principles for successful execution. The MVC pattern again proved that to me and still keeps me on my toes. One question I continuously ask myself while coding is what kind of data is best kept inside the model and what kind can confidently be put into views. It seems quite clear whilst studying reference books, but the line becomes a bit blurry when writing your own application. It will for sure take some more time to completely take this way of coding on board, but already I can say that I love the clear seperation of functions with the MVC pattern. It keeps your code well structured allowing the realization of big projects.  My switchboard becomes really clean and stable now and will probably take this week to finalize. Yeha! That one button did not respond very well for TBeta hasn’t been properly configured by me. Notice the blob indicators, that are slightly off aligned to my finger tips.

Filed under: Navigation, Software

Projector – Taxan U6 -132

I’m currently experimenting with a new projector. The TAXAN U6-132.


My school has been so friendly to lend it to me to improve my setup, since budget is low.

The projector is a discontinued product from the TAXAN’s range but does a way, way, way better job than my old hp portable data projector.

The brightness does much of a difference to the colors projected, even if this could be probably improved further by utilizing a grey shaded projection plane instead of the drafting vellum I’m using so far…but that comes at its cost 😉 The higher resolution is also a benefit, but what fascinates me the most is the incredible difference in video delay. Even though I’m still working with a Logitech cam, that seems to adjust the frame rate automatically down according to the ambient light and therefore only runs at 6fps average, the tangible experience does gain a lot through an almost real time response/output.

The following items are on my shopping list and will hopefully improve my setUp a lot:

2 acrylic “hot” first surface mirrors -> eliminate ghost effect & reduce hot spot

1 unibrain firewire remote cam -> increase frame rate

1 880nm bandpass filter -> wavelength filter

Here are the Specs for the projector:

Taxan U6 -132

Brightness: 2000 ANSI LUMEN

Contrast: 2000:1

Native Resolution: 1024×768

AspectRatio: XGA 4:3

Cheers & thx goes out to David Agius


Filed under: Hardware

TUIOObject Class

This was ridiculous. For days I’ve been trying to solve this problem of TouchEvent.MOUSE_OVER & OUT getting dispatched continuously and spoiling the proper execution of my code. After even pestering NUI Group members with my problem I’ve found this sucker, which has been there right in front of me all the time.

Here’s how it works:

TUIOObject class continuously checks tuioobj against display objects coordinates on stage. Because I’ve attached blob indicators to the tuioobj coordinates (Circle:Sprite & TextField) the TUIOObject class kept on recognizing these objects beneath it and therefore fired out events like crazy.

Here’s how i found out:

I simply added a trace statement to the internal setObjOver method inside TUIOObject.as outputting the display objects.


Filed under: Software


1:47am and I call it a day. Spend a whole day refining the custom tracking methods , cleaning and debugging my code. The application now runs stable, even if the user goes wild on touch. next visuals soon. zzzz

Filed under: Software

Custom Menu Rotation

Filed under: Navigation, Software


Today I’ve successfully transferred my current script into the preplanned MVC pattern, which works great. My application already became way more efficient and is less buggy. The animation is still a bit edgy (code is fixed but camera still runs on 6FPS) and the lens reflection of my projector gives me trouble. TBeta recognizes it as a blob and therefore interferes with my code…bugger. Have to find a way to reduce the reflection as much as possible. Next update tomorrow.


Filed under: Design Patterns, Software

MVC Design Pattern


Filed under: Design Patterns, Visual Diary

Application Sketches


Filed under: Software, Visual Diary

IR LED Frame





Filed under: Hardware, Visual Diary

Portfolio Print



Filed under: Print, Visual Diary